At Clarendon we believe that sport plays an integral role in the holistic development of our learners.

We offer a wide variety of extra-curricular activities, and we encourage our learners to participate in a range of the many different sports and clubs on offer here at school.

We hope to instil a love of sport and movement that will help to promote life-long, healthy living.

By playing sport, our learners are afforded an opportunity to develop many different skills and learn very important life lesson:

  • To be part of a team
  • To communicate successfully
  • To encourage others
  • To improve their skills and realize their potential
  • To be a modest winner and a gracious loser

Foundation phase

We offer two afternoons of compulsory sport to both our Grade 1 and 2 learners throughout the year. There are a variety of sporting codes on offer.

During first and fourth term the boys and girls play cricket. They participate in mini-cricket matches against various neighbouring schools.

Second term marks the start of the hockey season for our girls. The boys play hockey during the third term. The children always enjoy participating in mini-hockey matches.

The girls play netball throughout second term. Matches are arranged and their ball skills are applied during these exciting matches.

Our boys learn to play rugby during the second term. Mini-rugby matches are scheduled and thoroughly enjoyed by both boys and their parents.

Our boys play soccer throughout second term. The girls attend soccer training during third term. Matches are arranged which are the highlight of the season.

Both boys and girls attend ball skills during the third term. Here their hockey, soccer, rugby and cricket ball skills are further developed.

All FP learners have swimming lessons during their PE lessons.

Intermediate Phase / Senior Phase

We offer a very comprehensive programme for our Intermediate Phase and Senior Phase learners. There is a wide range on offer that caters for individual interests, needs and ability.

This takes place during the third term. The learners are select to participate in an Inter-House Meeting. We send our school team to various meetings during this term.

This is played throughout year. Selected learners attend matches against local schools in term 3 and 4.

Our learners, both girls and boys, participate in cricket during the first and fourth term. We have two cricket pitches and three practice nets which are fully utilized during these terms. We compete against many of the local schools.

There is great excitement on the basketball courts during the first and fourth term. We are able to field many teams across the age groups. Matches are played throughout the season.

The girls’ play hockey during term 2. The boys’ season starts in the third term. Our learners thoroughly enjoy this code and many teams participate in matches during the season.

During the second term the girls also have an option of playing netball. This is also well supported, and the girls enjoy healthy competition from our neighbouring schools.

The boys have an opportunity to play rugby during the second term. Their skills are developed and are put into practise during their fixtures.

This is offered during term 1 and 4. We have various swimming sessions: Learn to Swim, Grade Swimming and Squad. We have squad training before school and our team participates in galas during these terms.

Term 2 and 3 marks the start of the cross-country season. Our team is taken to league meetings at surrounding schools.Training sessions are held before school most mornings.


The leaners get to make, paint, design and create pieces of art in these afternoon activities. Our creative educators get the learners to develop their artistic talents.

The leaners’ Dramatic Art skills are developed in these sessions. They are encouraged to perform, project their voices and develop their confidence.

We encourage our children to get involved in outreach activities. The children use their hands and hearts to improve the lives of others. They make toys for underprivileged children, ascetically improve areas around the school and even visit the aged in our community.

We have two choirs that perform at special occasions. Our very talented staff train our learners during the year and get them to perform entertaining and polished items.